Sunday, August 23, 2009

Commands for drill badge test

Sedi-A - Stand at Attention. Elbows locked, eyes stare forward, chin up. No movement.

Senang di-RI - Stand at Ease. Legs placed shoulder width apart, hands behind backs, right hand over left hand, fingers straightened. Eyes still forward, looking up, no talking.

Begerak Ke-kanan/kiri, bertiga-tiga, Ke-kanan/kiri, Pu-SING - Move to your right/left, three by three, right/left turn. "Kiri" and "Kanan" stand for left and right respectively. They are interchangeable in commands. "Bertiga-tiga" is also given in context, depending on how many rows deep the formation is. Three by three stands for the standard formation depth of three rows. "Dalam dua/empat barisan" would be used for two and four rows respectively.

Diam - To freeze at wherever you are and stop talking.

Dari kiri, cepat, ja-LAN- by the left, quick march."

Berhen-TI- halt

Hentak kaki, cepat, hen-TAK- Mark time.

Kiri/Kanan be-LOK- Left/Right Wheel.

Ke-Belakang, pu-SING- About Turn.

Ke-kiri/kanan, pu-SING- Left/Right Turn.

Skuad, Keluar-BARIS- Squad, fall out

Sizing Malay EnglishYang tinggi Ka-kanan, rendah Ka-kiridalam satu barisan, PA...RAS Tallest on the right, shortest on the left,in a rank - Size

Dari Kanan angka satu dua...BILANG From the right, Number

Nombor ganjil satu langkah Ka-hadapan,nombor genap satu langkah Ka-belakang...GERAK Odd Number one pace forward, even number one pace back - March

Orang yang di-sebelah Ka-kanan Diam.Nombor Ganjil Ka-kanan, Nombor Genap Ka-kiri.Barisan Ka-kanan dan Ka-kiri PU...SING Right-hand man steady. Odd number to the right, Even number to the left.Ranks to the right and left turn

Jadikan Tiga barisan Chepat JA...LAN Form to three ranks – March

Rifle Drills
Turun senja…TA
Rusok senja…TA
Hormat senja...TA

Please remember these commands for your upcoming test.

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