Saturday, November 19, 2011

Challenge Unlimited 2011.

As part of our Victorian Tradition, VS NPCC Unit has once again held our annual games day, Challenge Unlimited during the March School Holidays.

The event was a huge success thanks to the hardwork & dedication from every VS NPCC Cadet. During the event, we managed to witness a strong sense of competitiveness among participants.

Here are some of the photos taken during the event:

Congratulations to the overall Girls Team Champion, CHIJ St Nicholas! 

Winner of 1st Placing for Boys Category, Raffles Institution! Congratulations to all winners :)

Victoria School NPCC Unit would like to extend our appreciation to NPCC Units of participating schools for their unwavering support. Without them, the event would not have been such a success. I'm sure our cadets and the participants have learnt something new through this experience. 

We hope to see everyone once again next year, during Challenge Unlimited 2012! 
Nil Sine Labore.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Training on 3/6/11

There will be training this Friday, 3rd of June, 2011.
Please fall in outside NPCC room by 1415 hours in your Full Uniform
Do bring along your PT Kit.
Thank you.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


NPCC Day commemoration has been confirmed to be held on 23rd May, Monday.
Sec 2, 3, and 4 cadets will be involved.
Fall in time: 6.45a.m.
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform (No need to bring PT Kit)

Please remember that you guys are not supposed to wear your Full Uniform on your way to school, and are only allowed to wear your Mufti attire in public. (PE T-Shirt, NPCC pants and belt, black socks, school shoes) So for those wearing Mufti to school, please change to your Full Uniform in school.

For those of you with your parents fetching you, you can wear your Full Uniform on your way to school.

Also, do remember that your NPCC Uniform is in tip top condition, with berets seasoned, boots well polished, badges pinned up nicely, and shirt and pants ironed. Don't forget your belt and black socks! We would want to spend more time rehearsing the procedures, thus we would want to spend less time on Uniform Inspection. (which will be held at 6.50a.m.)
Note; Name tag should be 1 finger spacing above the pocket.

Cadets without a valid reason for being late will be severely dealt with.
Cadets that have a reason, or cadets with any queries, please SMS your Sir Lee Jiang to notify him.
(H.P. Number: 96491528)

One more thing - please spread this to all that are involved in your squad.

Thank you and please be punctual!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Training

There will be no training until after the Mid Year Examinations.
Thank you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Training on 15/4/11

There will be training this Friday, 15th of April, 2011.
Please fall in outside NPCC room by 1415 hours in your PT Kit.
Thank you.

Those that are not taking squads for campcraft please report in Half Uniform.