Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sec 2s, do take note that there will be training this coming friday on the ninth of january. It will be the first training of the year. Everyone who reads this message please spread it on to everybody else, last year class ICs please do your role for 1 last time before we appoint new class ICs. Squad chairman and assistant chairman please assist in calling up all those people who cant access the internet and inform them of this fri's training.

The attendance for UTC was very good, and i hope that your squad will be able to continue and keep up that attendance for the rest of the trainings this year. Squad chairman, please do up a new list of the people in the various classes, print it out and pass it to me by this friday.

haha, guys there will be games!exciting! woots trust me, it will be fun!!!!!! wahahahahaha

Time to fall in: 215
Attire: Pt kit
Things to bring: New class list for 2009
Approx. time that training will end: 530

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