Sunday, December 14, 2008

Types and Functions of Knots

1) shortening (the purpose is to shorten the rope)

- Sheepshank (to shorten the twine by the distance you would want)
- Chainknot (used to tie your bootlaces)

2) Hitches (attaching rope to an object)

-clove hitch (to attach a twine to a pole)

3) Bends(they are used to attach twine together)

-Sheetbend( to attach twines of different size)
-Reefknot( to attach twines of the same size )

4) Stopper Knot (prevent slipping or breaking)

-Thumbknot (self-explanatory)
-Figure of 8 (a bigger and more stable version of thumbknot)

5) Loops (loops are mainly used as hooks to hook stuff/ tie things)

-Bowline (mainly used for tent pitching)
-Slipknot (self-explainatory)

These will be the theory portion which will be tested for your campcraft badge. Know it well. Happy Christmas!

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